About Us

Vision Statement

Better health through better libraries.

Mission Statement (revised 4/2018)

The South Central Academic Medical Libraries (SCAMeL) is a consortium of libraries serving medical schools in the five state region of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

SCAMeL’s mission is to empower member libraries to better meet the educational, clinical, research, and community engagement priorities of their institutions.

We accomplish our mission by

  1. Providing leadership and advocacy in health sciences librarianship;
  2. Supporting cooperative projects and sustainable resource sharing;
  3. Creating and offering opportunities for growth and professional development;
  4. Advancing scholarship, education and research; and
  5. Sharing knowledge and expertise.

Core Values

SCAMeL values the ideals of librarianship and believes in

  1. Excellence in service;
  2. Equity, diversity, and inclusion;
  3. Innovation and continuous improvement;
  4. Leadership and collegiality;
  5. Advocacy and community of practice;
  6. Collaboration and sharing; and
  7. Consortium independence and sustainability.

SCAMeL Records Description & Inventory: